New Canonical Klingon WordsAbout KlingonActivitiesAbout the KLIResourcesMembers Only Writing KlingonSounds of KlingonKlingon PhrasesNew Klingon WordsFAQ Klingon Words Not in The Klingon Dictionary The words listed here are missing from the dictionary (added later by Dr. Okrand) or were expanded upon after its publication. List compiled by Will Martin (a.k.a. charghwI'). Note that some of these words are still a little unsure, and the list is subject to additions, deletions, and emendations as our knowledge increases. Annotations and determinations of what warrants inclusion in this list are due to Will. Send him suggestions for additional entries, realizing that only words from confirmed Okrand sources will be accepted, and the source must be cited. See the explanation at the bottom of this list for source abbreviation descriptions. Note that with the addition of the book Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, we have a new published word list with which we have no interest in competing. All entries of words formerly on this list which exist in KGT have been removed so as to not compete with Dr. Okrand's income via royalties. KGT words exist here only if they have shown up somewhere in canon with a different meaning than listed in KGT. For a complete word list, combine this list with TKD and KGT. Sorted Alphabetically You can also view this list sorted by date added, so you can see the more recent words first. If you want a computer-indexable version, you can get a comma-separated version as well. bachHa' (v) err, make a mistake (slang) [listed as (n) in Klingon-English side (likely an intentional mistake), but (v) in English-Klingon side and in body text.] [KGT] baghneQ (n) spoon [startrek.klingon] baHjan (n) launcher [BoP] baQa' (excl) general invective [TKD p178] batlh (n) honor [general, philosophical concept, associated with integrity] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] beb (n) roof [NEWS] bertlham (n) end (of an opera, play, story, speech) [This refers to the final section of such a performance (last act, scene, sentence, etc.)] [HolQeD v12n2p8] betleH bey' (n) Bat'telh display [KCD] be'etor (proper n) B'Etor - one of the DuraS sisters [HolQeD v5n3p15 - S26] be'joy' (n) ritualized torture by women [Sarek] bIQ (n) water [water is used as the symbol of weakness and disdain.] [TKW p34-35] bIQSIp (n) hydrogen [BoP Poster] bIQSIp 'ugh (n) deuterium isotope [BoP Poster] bIreQtagh (n) bregit lung [food item shown and described on KCD.] [Addendum] bIS'ub (n) bottom (interior) [HolQeD v8n3p2] bI'rel tlharghDuj (n) B'rel-class Scout [BoP Poster] bI'reS (n) beginning (of an opera, play, story, speech) [This refers to the opening section of such a performance (last act, scene, sentence, etc.)] [HolQeD v12n2p8] bo (n) feather [HolQeD v10n4p5] bop (n) be about, be concerned with [Got this from entry August 1, 2005 by ubykhlives Example: {HolQeD bopbe' paqvam} = "This book is not about linguistics."] [qep'a' wa'maH cha'DIch] boq (n) alliance / bloc, coalition / fusion [TKD / KGT / BoP poster] boq (v) ally with, form an alliance with, used in math for addition [used in math: boq for addition, boqHa' for subtraction, X-logh boq'egh Y for multiplication, X-logh boqHa''egh Y for division. See chen.] [TKD / KGT / BoP poster/HolQeD v9n3p10] boqHa' (v) used in math for subtraction [used in math: boqHa' for subtraction] [HolQeD v9n3p10] boqHa''egh (v) used in math for division [used in math: X-logh boqHa''egh Y for division. See chen.] [TKD / KGT / BoP poster/HolQeD v9n3p10] boq'egh (v) used in math for multiplication [used in math: X-logh boq'egh Y for multiplication] [HolQeD v9n3p10] bor (v) gurgle [This specifically refers to the sound that a stomach makes.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] borghel (n) a very small bird whose eggs are considered quite tasty [HolQeD v10n4p4] bo'Degh (n) bird, the most general word for a bird-like creature [HolQeD v10n4p4] bur (v) hiccup [HolQeD, v12n4p8] butlh (n) dirt under fingernails; symbolic equivalent of gall, an admirable trait to have [TKD; TKW p142] chaDvay' (n) Hertz (frequency) [from veS QonoS, HolQeD, v1n3p9] chan (n) eastward, area toward the east (90 degrees on Terran 360 degree compass with north as 0 and degrees counted clockwise) [HolQeD v8n4p6] chang'eng (n) pair [BoP Poster] chaS (n) top of walking cane or ceremonial cane [HolQeD v12n2p7] chaw' (n) permit [This entry was missing from the Klingon-English side of TKD, though it is used as a noun in PK: cha'puj vIngevmeH chaw' HInobneS.] cha'bIp (n) a bird noted for its speed [HolQeD v10n4p4] cha'DIch (n) second, aide [TKW p21] cha'Do' (n) a species of Klingon bird about which little is known [HolQeD v10n4p4] cha'naS (n) a small bird which digs up bugs to eat [HolQeD v10n4p4] cha'par (n) a bird noted for its song [HolQeD v10n4p4] cha'qu' (n) a bird with a noisy, repetitive cry [HolQeD v10n4p4] cheb (n) unit weight approx. 5 pounds (2.25kg) [MSN] cheb'a' (n) unit weight approx. 45-46.4 pounds (20.4-21.05 kg) (9-9.28 cheb) [The numbers don't quite mesh, but this is the best I can figure from different equivalences we've been given.] [BoP poster] chegh (v) return (to) (direct object is place returned to) [NEWS] chen (v) take form [used in math where the subject is the result of the formula statement (typically using some form of the verb boq). The chen statement follows the boq statement with a semicolon dividing them in Okrand's notation.] [HolQeD v9n3p9] chevwI' tlhoy' (n) territorial wall (e.g. Berlin Wall) [NEWS] chob (n) corridor [BoP Poster] chob'a' (n) main corridor [BoP Poster] choq (v.t.) preserve[, save] [TKW p211] choQ (n) deck (on a ship) [BoP Poster] chuq'a' (n) long range [BoP Poster] chuy (v) sneeze [HolQeD, v12n4p8] DaH (n) array, bank [BoP Poster and KGT p56] Dav (v) sway (aircraft moves to the side without yawing) [It is unknown if this has meaning outside of the context of aircraft attitude descriptions] [HolQeD v11n2p9] DavHam (n) false honor [HolQeD, v12n3p9] Da'nal (n) a bird characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior [similar to Da'vI'] [HolQeD v10n4p4] Da'vI' (n) a bird characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior [similar to Da'nal] [HolQeD v10n4p4] DenIb (n) Denebia [in the English-Klingon listing of TKD, this is spelled DenIbya'] [TKD] DenIb Qatlh (n) Denebian slime devil [in the English-Klingon listing of TKD, this is spelled DenIbya'ngan Qatlh] [TKD] DenIbngan (n) Denebian [TKD] DenIbya' (n) Denebia [in the Klingon-English listing of TKD, this is spelled DenIb] [TKD] DenIbya' Qatlh (n) Denebian slime devil [in the Klingon-English listing of TKD, this is spelled DenIbngan Qatlh] [TKD] DenIbya'ngan (n) Denebian [In Klingon-English side, this is spelled {DenIbngan}] [TKD] Der (v) yaw (aircraft nose points left or right) [It is unknown if this word has meaning outside the context of aircraft attitude.] [HolQeD v11n2p9] DIlyum (n) trillium [An unspecified commodity. In the TOS episode "Errand of Mercy" Spock poses as a Vulcan trader in kevas and trillium. Thus, both appear in TKD. Star Trek Encyclopedia lists them as a gemstones, established in DS9 "Trials and Tribble?ations".] [TKD] DIn (n) Open entryway (to corridor, tunnel, conduit, Jeffries tube, branch of sewer) [This is the open entryway of any enclosed space longer than wide in which people might find themselves. If there is a door that closes, this is not a {DIn}. It is merely a {lojmIt}.] [HolQeD v12n2p7] DIvI' (n ) federation, organization, [association, league, union] [The last three from HolQeD v4n4p11] Dol (n) entity[, whole] [translated as "whole"] [TKW p209] Doq 'ej wovbe' (v) be brown [HolQeD v8n1p7] Dor (v) end [The subject of this verb is a period or unit of time. This verb is not adjectival and takes no direct object.] [HolQeD v12n2p8] Do'Ha' (v) be unfortunate [Inside front cover of TKD, but not in word list.] Dugh (v) be vigilant [missing from E-K.] Duran lung DIr (n) Durani lizard skins [a food item which never uses plural suffix] [KCD] DuraS (proper n) Duras [HolQeD v5n3p15 - S26] ghal (v) be jealous (of), envy [HolQeD v8n3p4] ghang (v) end prematurely (an event, voyage, battle, play, opera, story, song, etc.) [The subject of this verb is the person causing an event to prematurely end. The direct object is the event that is ended.] [HolQeD v12n2p8] ghangwI' (n) horizon [HolQeD v11n2p8] ghawran (proper n) Gowron [HolQeD v5n3p15 - S25 & S26] ghaytanHa' (adv) unlikely [British television magazine, "Radio Times"] ghay'cha' (excl) general invective [TKD P178] gheb (n) horn (musical instrument) [HolQeD v10n2p9] gher (v.t.) formulate, compile, pull together [Okrand Forum, MSN] ghet (v) pretend [no deception is implied; simply role-playing] [HolQeD, v12n3p8] ghetwI' (n) pretender [no deception is implied; simply role-playing] [HolQeD, v12n3p8] ghIlaSnoS (n) Glasnost - ancient political movement [TKW p186] ghIq (adv) then, subsequently [HolQeD v8n3p4] ghItlh (v) mark (upon) ["'To mark (upon)' something is ghItlh. This isn't just writing; it's any kind of marking. (Note that ghItlh, 'to write,' refers to the physical act of writing. It doesn't mean 'to create a composition.')"] [Okrand's notes, HolQeD v2n4p18] ghItlhwI' (n) stylus [KGT p79] ghobchuq loDnI'pu' (proper n) The Brothers Fight One Another - famous statue [KCD] ghochwI' (n) the constellation "Tracker" [from KCD lab] ghogh HablI' (n) telephone [HolQeD v5n2p20] ghojmeH taj (n) boy's knife [KCD] ghotI' (n) fish, most general word for fish-like creature [HolQeD v10n4p5] ghubDaQ (n) first born child [HolQeD v9n3p9] ghuy' (excl) Klingon curse, damn [From ST5] [HolQeD v8n4p13] ghuy'cha' (excl) Klingon curse [In CK, this is the curse one would use after receiving an unsettling communiqué. It is far worse than "Darn it!"] [TKD p58] Heghba' (n) ritual suicide [from Sarek, the novel by A. C. Crispin] Hoch (n) everyone, all, everything [In HolQeD v5n2p11: If noun following Hoch is explicitly plural, it means "all". If it is singular, it means "each".] [TKW p33 - first in noun-noun pair] HolQeD (n) the KLI journal [from HolQeD] Hom (v) use the second toe [HolQeD v10n2p10] HomwI' (n) second toe [HolQeD v10n2p7] Hong boq chuyDaH (n) impulse fusion thrusters [BoP Poster] Hongghor (n) impulse drive [BoP Poster] HoQ (v) be honored falsely, be falsely honorable [deception is implied] [HolQeD, v12n3p8] HoS choHwI' (n) transtator [veS QonoS, HolQeD, v1n3p9] Hu (n) zoo [missing from E-K section of TKD] HuchQeD (n) economics [This is slang with no non-slang counterpart] [KGT p148] HuH (n) PK: bile TKW: gall KCD/KGT: slime Hutvagh (n) too many people or things in a place at once [Disclosed during a congested drive on Interstate 95.] [HolQeD v11n3p13] Hu'tegh (excl) general invective [TKD p178] jaghla' (n) enemy commander [TKD p64-65] jaj (n) day (from dawn to dawn) [TKW p69 - jajvam] jajlo' Qa' (n) a noisy animal (not a bird) known for making a ruckus at dawn, like a rooster [HolQeD v10n4p5] jajvam (n) today [TKW p69 - jajvam] janluq pIqarD HoD (proper n) Captain Jean-Luc Picard [HolQeD v5n3p15 - S25] je (adv) also [described in grammar section. It follows the verb it modifies.] [TKD] jer (v) surge (aircraft suddenly moves forward or backward) [It is unknown if this has meaning outside of the context of aircraft attitude descriptions] [HolQeD v11n2p9] jev (v) storm, [wheeze, breathe noisily] [The verb to Storm is in TKD, but this new meaning "wheeze" arrived in HolQeD.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] je' (v.t.) feed (someone else)[, enrich (spirit)] [TKW p7] jIj (v) cooperate [jIj is listed only in the Klingon-English side of TKD while yeq is listed only in the English-Klingon side. KGT lists it as "be cooperative".] [TKD] jIm (v) heave (aircraft rising or falling without pitching) [It is unknown if this has meaning outside of the context of aircraft attitude descriptions] [HolQeD v11n2p9] jolpat (n) transporter system [BoP Poster] jorneb (n) warhead (of a torpedo) [KGT, in the body text and E-K] jornub (n) warhead (of a torpedo) [KGT, in K-E] juch (v) have a width of [MSN] laq (v) flap [move like a bird's wings, not like a flag. Proper usage: laq tel. tel laqmoH bo'Degh.] [HolQeD v10n4p5] law' (v) many, be many, [numerous, be numerous] [TKD, in E-K] lev (n) hard palate, roof of mouth [Got this from entry August 1, 2005 by ubykhlives] [qep'a' wa'maH cha'DIch] lIH (v) begin a song [HolQeD v12n2p9] lIr (n) a nocturnal bird [HolQeD v10n4p4] logh (n) space [TKW p33 - outer space] loghqam (n) unit of measure, 1.25 light years [BoP Poster] lol (v) be in an attitude (aircraft); be in a stance, be in a pose (people animals or martial arts) [HolQeD v11n2p8] lol (n) a specific position in the martial arts form Mok'bara [HolQeD v11n2p8] lolchu' (v) be in a correct attitude (aircraft) [It is unknown if this is used outside the context of aircraft attitude.] [HolQeD v11n2p8] lolchu'taH (v) maintain a correct attitude (aircraft) [It is unknown if this is used outside the context of aircraft attitude.] [HolQeD v11n2p8] lolmoH (v) maneuver (an aircraft) to be in an attitude [canon: qughmeH Duj vIlolmoH] [HolQeD v11n2p8] loltaH (v) maintain an attitude (aircraft) [It is unknown if this is used outside the context of aircraft attitude.] [HolQeD v11n2p8] lor (n) cousin (mother's brother's child or father's sister's child), niece or nephew (man's sister's child or woman's brother's child) [HolQeD v9n3p8] lorbe' (n) female cousin (mother's brother's daughter or father's sister's daughter), niece (man's sister's daughter or woman's brother's daughter) [HolQeD v9n3p8] lorloD (n) male cousin (mother's brother's son or father's sister's son), nephew (man's sister's son or woman's brother's son) [HolQeD v9n3p8] lotlhmoq (n) a bird that swoops into the water in order to catch food, but cannot swim [HolQeD v10n4p4] lo' law' (n) utility (precedes noun it modifies) [BoP Poster] lo'laHbe'ghach (n) worthlessness [TKD p176] lo'laHghach (n) value [TKD p176] luH (v) yank [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] lurSa' (proper n) Lursa [HolQeD v5n3p15 - S26}] magh (v.t.) betray [MSN and HolQeD v5n3p15 - S26] maH (num) ten (combining form)/(number-forming element) [The E-K listing somewhat confusingly includes {maH} as "Ten (combining form) while the K-E lists it as "ten (number-forming element). There is no such confusion over words for hundred, thousand, ten-thousand, etc.] [TKD] maQmIgh (n) dark omen, sign of evil coming [veS QonoS, listed in HolQeD, v1n3p9] mar (v) use the big toe [HolQeD v10n2p10] mara (proper n) Mara, TOS "Day of the Dove" Kang's wife & Sci. officer [TKD p58] marwI' (n) big toe, first toe [HolQeD v10n2p7] matlh (proper n) Maltz [TKD p58] ma'veq (n) a ceremonial knife used in the ritual of *Mauk To'Vor*. One Federation Standard spelling of this weapon's name is {M'veQ}. [ - Klingon spelling confirmed via Email by Okrand] megh'an (n) end (of stick, rope, etc.), other end from {'er'In} [This can refer to either end of the rope, stick or whatever, but once you arbitrarily choose an end to call {megh'an}, the OTHER end is called {'er'In}. Before you make this initial reference, either end can be called either {'er'In} or {megh'an}.] [HolQeD v12n2p6] mellota' (proper n) Melota - proper name from Klingon Opera [TKW p187] meqba' (n) type of legal proceeding; portion of the trial or appeal where evidence is heard [Addendum; Star Trek Encyclopedia] mevyap (excl) stop, enough already [Described in the body text: "it comes from two Klingon verbs, {mev} ("stop, cease") and {yap} ("be enough, be sufficient"). No doubt in the past, the locution was longer, perhaps {yImev, yap!} ("stop! it's enough"). The dropping of the imperative prefix {yI-, pe-} is what would be expected in Clipped Klingon. The two words have been used in juxtaposition for so long, they have come to be accepted as a single, though grammatically peculiar, word."] [KGT p113] meyrI' (n) square [Got this from entry August 1, 2005 by ubykhlives] [qep'a' wa'maH cha'DIch] me' (n) aunt, mother's sister [HolQeD v9n3p8] me'nal (n) aunt, mother's brother's wife [HolQeD v9n3p8] mIl (v) be formerly honored [loss of honor is implied; an adjective to describe one who has fallen from grace; not applicable to {'utlh}, which implies a voluntary, honorable retirement] [HolQeD, v12n3p8] mIStaq (proper n) sculptor who made Blood Oath Circles [KCD] mojaq (n) suffix [Note: in English-Klingon side of TKD, this is mojaQ] [TKD] motlh (v) be normal / standard [additional to other defs] [BoP Poster / S14] mughato' (n) mugato [Introduced TOS episode #47: A Private Little War. One of the more notable native animal forms on Neural {Zeta Bo? III} is the mugato, a large, white, ape-like creature with dorsal spines and a cranial horn. The mugato are monogamous, mating for life. Little or no provocation will spark an attack by this hostile creature, whose bite is highly poisonous and fatal if untreated. The only antidote for the mugato bite is the proper application of the native mako root, which has the ability to draw the toxin out of the human nervous system. {No mention is made of how to draw it out of a Klingon nervous system. Of the planet, the text says:} The native inhabitants of the planet are humanoid, possibly the descendants of a Centaurian exploration mission that disappeared in the area some two hundred years ago. The population was once one of tranquil, peace-loving hunters, but a serious breach of the Prime Directive has resulted in their development of war and comparatively advanced projectile weapons. Direct Klingon interference, countered by Federation involvement, has divided the inhabitants into five major factions, each of which is feuding with the other four. (see also illustration in center insert in that text)] [from Star Trek, The Worlds Of The Federation: (p140-1)] muj (v) be wrong [missing from E-K] mu'qaD veS (n) curse warfare [PK: written on the printed card] naDqa'ghach (n) re-commendation [TKD p176] naHjej (n) thistle [KGT p88] naHnagh (n) pit (of fruit) [KGT p89] namtun (n) the familiar beginning of a song [After hearing just this short portion of the beginning of the song, a listener will recognize the tune.] [HolQeD v12n2p9] nan (v) use the fourth toe [HolQeD v10n2p10] nanwI' (n) fourth toe [HolQeD v10n2p7] naQ (v) be full, whole, entire[, complete] [from the Addendum of TKD [E-K side only]] natlIS (n) last item in a list [HolQeD v12n2p9] natlh (v.t.) drain [HolQeD v6n2p9 S33] nav HablI' (n) FAX machine [HolQeD v5n2p20] naw' (v and n) access [This is listed as a noun in the E-K side, but as a verb in K-E] nay' (n) course, dish (at a meal) [{Under "dish" in English-Klingon side of TKD, (food) replaces (at a meal).}] [TKW p133] neb (n) beak, bill [HolQeD v10n4p5] neSlo' (n) small mirror [smaller than SIla'] [HolQeD v10n4p5] netlh (num) ten thousand [should be noted as number-forming element] [TKD 5.2] ne' (n) yeoman [for those unfamiliar with the term, the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines yeoman as petty officer] [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] nItebHa' (adv) together [BoP Poster] notqa' (n) a large, black bird [nowhere near as large as a qa'rol, which is really big] [HolQeD v10n4p4] nuH bey' (n) Pride of Weapons [KCD] nural (n) Neural [Introduced TOS episode #47: A Private Little War. Federation Catalog Name is Zeta Bo? III. "This Class M world is the third of ten that orbit a brilliant, moderate-size yellow star in a binary system. The planet is quite Earth-like, with vast oceans and desert, moderate, and tropical climate zones. Neural is the only planet in the Zeta Bo? system to have a moon, which has been named Asetia by the native population of Neural's lower desert. The native inhabitants of the planet are humanoid, possibly the descendants of a Centaurian exploration mission that disappeared in the area some two hundred years ago. The population was once one of tranquil, peace-loving hunters, but a serious breach of the Prime Directive has resulted in their development of war and comparatively advanced projectile weapons. Direct Klingon interference, countered by Federation involvement, has divided the inhabitants into five major factions, each of which is feuding with the other four. One of the more notable native animal forms on is the mugato.] [from Star Trek, The Worlds Of The Federation: (p140-1)] ngav (n) writer's cramp [linguist humor] [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] nga'chuq (v) sex (i.e., perform sex; always subject) [Note: it is unclear about what part of speech this may be, though it is probably a verb and "always subject" probably refers to the concept that all involved parties collectively make the subject of this verb.] [from veS QonoS, listed in HolQeD v1n3p9] ngech (n) valley[, woman's cleavage] [confirmed at qep'a' wejDIch by Okrand] ngIj (v) be rowdy, unruly [KGT p150] ngop (n) plates (for eating) [Incorrectly listed as a verb.] [KGT] ngoqDe' (n) encoded message [HolQeD v8n4p12] ngugh (adv) then, at that time [Newsgroup] ngun (v) perch [if bird lands on land, use Saq, on water, use tlhot] [HolQeD v10n4p5] nguq (v) be arrogant, haughty, conceited [an undesirable trait] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] nguSDI' (n) motor [BoP Poster] pach (n) claw, talon [HolQeD v10n4p5] parbIng (n) a mid-sized bird with particularly garish coloring (at least from a Klingon point of view) [HolQeD v10n4p4] pa' (n) chamber [add to existing defs] [BoP Poster] pa' beb (n) ceiling of top story room [NEWS, HolQeD v8n3p2] pa' reD (n) interior face of exterior wall [NEWS] pegh (v) be secret [CK & PK] peghmey vIttlhegh (n) secrecy proverb [HolQeD v5n1p10] per (v) label / ascertain, specify [TKD / NEWS group online] petaQ (excl) epithet [TKD p178] pIn tlhoy' (n) territorial wall (e.g. Berlin Wall) [NEWS] pIpyuS (n) pipius [whose claws are used as food, requiring breaking] [Addendum of TKD, TKW p185] pIq (n) time period from now (future) [HolQeD v8n3p3] pIrmuS (n) bottom (exterior) [HolQeD v8n3p2] pItlh (excl) done [all done, all finished - a common exclamation uttered upon the completion of a project.] [KCD] pIvchem (n) warp field [BoP Poster] pIvlob (n) warp factor [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] po Ha'DIbaH (n) literary name for 'uSgheb or jajlo' Qa', commonly used in operas and plays, but rarely in everyday speech [Maltz guesses this term can also refer to jajlo' Qa' as well] [HolQeD v10n4p5] poDmoH (v) clip [This entry was omitted from the Klingon-English side of TKD] pop (n) honor, reward, token of esteem [formal recognition of an accomplishment or accomplishments] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] porghQeD (n) scientific study of bodily functions [Klingons don't talk all that much about bodily functions as a group, but they certainly do talk about specific bodily functions.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] pujmoH (v) weaken [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] pujwI' (n) weakling [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD, TKW p24] pup (v) be high resolution [added to existing defs] [BoP Poster] puq chonnaQ (n) fork [From Marc Okrand on startrek.klingon (Usenet newsgroup)] puqnI' (n) grandchild [HolQeD v9n3p9] puqnI'be' (n) granddaughter [HolQeD v9n3p9] puqnI'loD (n) grandson [HolQeD v9n3p9] pur (v) inhale [HolQeD, v12n4p8] qab (n) face [symbol of identity] [TKW p59] qaj (v) soar [HolQeD v10n4p5] qan (v) use the pinky (little finger) [An idiomatic gesture: to point your pinky at someone is to comment that you believe they are old.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] qanraD (n) a bird known for its song [HolQeD v10n4p4] qanwI' (n) pinky, little finger [Pointing with the pinky is an idiomatic gesture indicating that the person being pointed at is old.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] qarghan (proper n) Kargan [HolQeD v4n3p4] qaryoq (n) bird capable of mimicking speech [Some people pluralize these with -pu', but most use -mey.] [HolQeD v10n4p5] qaryoq'a' (n) bird capable of mimicking speech, larger than qaryoq [Some people pluralize these with -pu', but most use -mey.] [HolQeD v10n4p5] qawHaq (n) memory banks[, data banks (singular)] [It's listed in both TKD and its Addendum with different definitions] [TKD and [Addendum of TKD]] qay (v) use the second (middle) finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] qaywI' (n) middle finger, second finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] qa'meH (n) replacement ["...something that takes over for or is used instead of something that is gone or that has been lost. It is not used for a temporary substitute or stand-in; the word for that is lIw."] [HolQeD v5n1p10, KGT] qa'meH vIttlhegh (n) replacement proverb [HolQeD v5n1p10] qa'rI' (n) end (of corridor, tunnel, conduit, Jeffries tube, sewer, road, bridge, long field, etc.) [This is the end of any clearly defined space longer than wide in which people might find themselves.] [HolQeD v12n2p7] qa'rol (n) a really big bird [much larger than a notqa'] [HolQeD v10n4p4] qa'vaQ (n) qa'vak (traditional game); hoop and stick maneuver [KGT; TKW p199] qelI'qam (n) kellicam [According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, one kellicam is roughly equal to two kilometers] [TKD] qen (adv) recently, a short time ago [NEWS] qeng (proper n) Kang [TKD p58; TOS [Day of the Dawn]; TKD p11] qevaS (n) kevas [An unspecified commodity. In the TOS episode "Errand of Mercy" Spock poses as a Vulcan trader in kevas and trillium. Thus, both appear in TKD. Star Trek Encyclopedia lists them as a gemstones, established in DS9 "Trials and Tribble?ations".] [TKD] qew (v) use the ring (third) finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] qewwI' (n) ring finger, third finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] qeylIS (proper n) Kahless [TKD p58] qeylIS mInDu' (n) Eyes of Kahless, a guessing game with dice where the winner receives a punch. [KCD] qIrq (proper n) Kirk [HolQeD v8n4p12] qo'qaD (n) phlegm [HolQeD, v12n4p8] qughDo (n) cruising speed [BoP Poster] qul tuq (n) "House (family, ancestral unit) of Fire" name of an opera [KCD] qung (n) hole in a musical instrument [This is to change pitch in a wind instrument; apparently not a soundhole for stringed instrument.] [HolQeD v10n2p8] qutluch (n) type of hand weapon [from the Addendum of TKD, TKW p103] quv (n) honor [personal honor, earned by one's behavior] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] quv bey' (n) honor display [KCD] quy'Ip (n) vomit [Spelled backwards, {pI'yuq} is a phonetic spelling of the English "puke".] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] Qab (n) theragen [Appeared in TOS episode #63: The Tholian Web] Qaj (n) type of animal with brown lips, kradge [{Qaj wuS rur} often used to indicate brown colored object.] [HolQeD v8n1p7] Qap (v.t.) win (a competition) ["'To win' a competition is Qap. (If it's a decisive or particularly gratifying victory, they'd say Qapchu', even though that's a bit redundant.) In TKD, Qap is translated as 'succeed, work, function. To a Klingon, to win is to function perfectly.] [from Okrand's notes, HolQeD v2n4p18, TKW p211] Qaq (v) behave falsely honorably, behave in a falsely honorable manner [deception is implied] [HolQeD, v12n3p8] Qaw' (v) destroy [TKD erroneously lists this as a noun in both E-K and K-E word lists, but at the top of p49 it is described as a verb, not a noun. It is also used as a verb in TKW p211.] [TKD p49, TKW p211] Qay' (v) use the little toe [HolQeD v10n2p10] Qay'wI' (n) little toe, fifth toe [HolQeD v10n2p7] Qa'Hom (n) an animal (not a bird), like a Qa' but smaller [This does not make a ruckus at dawn, like the jajlo' Qa'] [HolQeD v10n4p5] Qep'It (n) any gas produced by a body [HolQeD, v12n4p8] QID (v) wound [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] QIn (n) spear head, sharpened end of pencil [Likely, this can refer to the sharp end of anything spearlike with poke potential.] [HolQeD v12n2p6] QIn pup (n) plain spearhead with single sharp point [KGT p64] QIn vagh (n) spearhead with multiple points [KGT p64] QI'lop (n) a holiday [from PK, this is a guess as to what Michael Dorn was pronouncing] QI'tu' (n) paradise [In Klingon mythology, this was the source of all creation] [from the Addendum of TKD, KCD] QI'yaH (excl) Klingon curse [vulgar Klingon expression; one of the strongest, most foul Klingon expressions; it defies translation] [TKD p58, KCD] QongDaqDaq (n) in bed [TKW p40] Qovpatlh (excl) epithet [TKD p178] Qoy (v.t.) hear, [listen to] [Used as Sentence As Object, TKW p195] [TKW p31] Qulpa' (n) research lab [BoP Poster] Qum (n) communications, communication related technology [BoP Poster] Qun (n) god, supernatural being [NEWS] Qutlh (v) support [BoP Poster] Qu'vatlh (excl) Klingon curse [CK: said in moments of extreme anger] [TKD p58] rach (v) invigorate, fortify, strengthen [MSN news group] rachwI' (n) nurse [MSN news group] rav'eq (n) ceiling [NEWS] raw' (n) an aquatic bird with colorful plumage [HolQeD v10n4p5] rech (v) exhale [HolQeD, v12n4p8] reD (n) exterior wall [NEWS] ret (n) time period ago (past) [HolQeD v8n3p3] rIl (v) use the thumb [Most commonly used in reference to a child using a thumb. See also {Sen}.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] rIl (v) play (a wind instrument) [This is a brass technique, not a flute technique. Most typically it is used with {gheb} as the object.] [HolQeD v10n2p9] rIlwI' (n) thumb [Most commonly used in reference to a child's thumb. See also {Sen}.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] ron (v) roll (aircraft wings tilt, one up, one down) [It is unknown if this word has meaning outside the context of aircraft attitude.] [HolQeD v11n2p9] roS (v) use the third toe [HolQeD v10n2p10] roSwI' (n) third toe [HolQeD v10n2p7] ruq (v) belch [Gas produced is called {SIp} or {Qep'It}.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] rura' pente' (proper n) Rura Penthe [from the Addendum of TKD, TKW p190] rutlh (n) wheel [NEWS] Saqjan (n) landing gear [BoP Poster] Say'qu'moH (v) sterilize [HolQeD v1n3p9] Sa'Hut (n) ass, rear end, buttocks [This word was revealed during a session of singing and dancing the Hokey Pokey] [qep'a' HutDIch] Segh (n) race (type, sort, class) [tlhIngan Segh] [TKW p13] Sen (v) use the thumb [Most commonly used in reference to an adult using a thumb. See also {rIl}.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] SenwI' (n) thumb [Most commonly used in reference to an adult thumb. See also {rIl}.] [HolQeD v10n2p7] SenwI' rIlwI' je (n) everybody (idiomatic phrase) [HolQeD v10n2p8] Serrum (n) earwax [HolQeD, v12n4p9] SIla' (n) large mirror [larger than neSlo'] [HolQeD v10n4p5] SIq (v) use the index finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] SIqwI' (n) index finger, first finger [HolQeD v10n2p7] SIv (v) wonder [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] Soj (n) food [carries the idiomatic sense of "matter, concern, affair", as in {tlhIngan Soj 'oH -- not bIyaj} meaning, "It is a Klingon matter -- you'll never understand."] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] Soq (v.t.) gain [HolQeD v6n2p9 S33] SoSbor (n) motherboard [BoP Poster] SoSbor'a' (n) main core [BoP Poster] tagh (v.t.) begin a process, initiate [proceedings] [Addendum of TKD, TKW p187] tagha' (adv) finally, at last [NEWS] taHqeq (excl) epithet [this is a classic insult.] [from TKD p178; also in CK] tajvaj (n) angle [HolQeD v11n2p9] tal (n) cannon [BoP Poster] tangqa' (n) animal species with both genders resembling Terran bull [HolQeD] taQ (v) be weird [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] targh tIq (n) heart of targ, a food item [described and shown on KCD] tatlh (v) return (something) [NEWS] tel (n) wing [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] tennuS (n) uncle, father's brother [HolQeD v9n3p8] tennuSnal (n) uncle, father's sister's husband [HolQeD v9n3p8] tepqengwI' (n) cargo lift [(add to current defs) ] [BoP Poster] tey' (n) cousin (mother's sister's child or father's brother's child), niece or nephew (man's brother's child or woman's sister's child) [HolQeD v9n3p8] tey'be' (n) female cousin (mother's sister's child or father's brother's child), niece (man's brother's daughter or woman's sister's daughter) [HolQeD v9n3p8] tey'loD (n) male cousin (mother's sister's son or father's brother's son), nephew (man's brother's son or woman's sister's son) [HolQeD v9n3p8] tIjwI'ghom (n) boarding party [TKD p20] tIl (v) salivate [HolQeD, v12n4p8] tIng (n) southwestward, area toward the southwest (approx 220 degrees on terran 360 degree compass counting clockwise with 0 at north) [HolQeD v8n4p6] tIq (n) heart [TKW p23 - symbolic] tIqnagh lemDu' (n) Tknag hooves, a food item always referred to in plural [KCD] tI'ang (proper n) T'Ong (name of a ship) [S15, HolQeD v4n3p5] toDDuj (n) rescue ship [HolQeD v8n4p11] toDSaH (excl) epithet [you would call someone this if you were not on the best of terms.] [TKD p178; CK] toQ (n) a bird of prey [HolQeD v10n4p5] tor (v) pitch (aircraft tilts nose up or down), kneel (action of a person or animal) [HolQeD v11n2p9] torgh (proper n) Torg [TKD p58] tugh (excl) hurry up! [MSN] tuj muvwI' (n (presumed)) thermo-suture [veS QonoS, listed in HolQeD, v1n3p9] tuqnIgh (n) a member of one's house [HolQeD v9n3p9] tuS (v) cough [HolQeD, v12n4p8] tuy' (v) spit [If you spit out liquid, {bItuy'}, but if you spit out solids, {bItlhIS}.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] tlhach mu'mey (n) jargon [KGT p45] tlhej (v.t.) accompany [Note: this is labeled as a noun in TKD, but Okrand corrected himself in Okrand's notes.] [HolQeD v2n4p18, TKW p161] tlhepQe' (n) saliva [HolQeD, v12n4p8] tlhIng yoS (proper n) Kling District [BoP Poster] tlhot (v) land on water (like a bird) [if bird lands on land, use Saq, in a tree, use ngun] [HolQeD v10n4p5] tlhov (v) wheeze [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] tlhoy (adv) overly, to an excessive degree, excessively, too much [HolQeD v8n3p2] tlhoy' (n) wall, interior wall, interior face of exterior wall, territorial wall [NEWS] tlhoy' SaS (n) ceiling/floor between stories [NEWS] tlho'ren (n) unit measure approx. one quart/litre [MSN] tlhup (v) whisper [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] va (excl) general invective [TKD p178] vaD (v) be flexible [HolQeD v10n2p11] valQIS (proper n) Valkris [TKD p58] van (v) end (an event, voyage, battle, play, opera, story, song, etc.) [The subject of this verb is the person causing an event to end. The direct object is the event that is ended.] [HolQeD v12n2p8] vay' (n) somebody, something, anybody, anything [someone] [TKW p88] vegh (v) go through (an open door, a tunnel, etc.) [qep'a' loSDIch] vem'eq (n) a bird that feeds almost exclusively on the serpent worm from which qagh is made [Klingons are not particularly fond of this bird] [HolQeD v10n4p5] veqlargh (n) devil, demon, Fek'lhr [the beast who guards the dwelling place of the dishonored dead] [from the Addendum of TKD, TKW p197, KCD] verengan Ha'DIbaH (n) Ferengi dog - a classic insult [KCD] vID'Ir (n) baffle [BoP Poster] vIlInHoD (n) bird capable of mimicking speech [Some people pluralize these with -pu', but most use -mey.] [HolQeD v10n4p5] vIn (n) cousin, niece or nephew [In the singular, typically tey' or lor is preferred unless the individual is being referred to as a member of a group that likely includes both tey' and/or lor. The plural form (vInpu') is used for a group that includes tey' and/or lor.] [HolQeD v9n3p9] vIno'va' qurgh (n) finova bean(s) [KCD, HolQeD v5n1p20] vInpu' (n) cousins, a group of tey' and lor [In the singular, typically tey' or lor is preferred unless the individual is being referred to as a member of a group that likely includes both tey' and/or lor. The plural form (vInpu') is used for a group that includes tey' and/or lor.] [HolQeD v9n3p9] vIq (n) battle, combat (abstract) [KGT p47] vItHay' (n) the truth test [KCD] wab (n) sound, noise [NEWS] waqboch (n) a bird with a very long beak [HolQeD v10n4p5] waQ (n) months from now [HolQeD v8n3p3] wen (n) months ago [HolQeD v8n3p3] wogh (v) transgress, do more than is acceptable [{bIwogh} might be translated "You go too far."] [HolQeD, v12n3p9] wom (v) peck [used for both eating and attacking by pecking] [HolQeD v10n4p5] wovmoHwI' (n) light (lamp) [BoP Poster] wo'rIv (proper n) Worf [HolQeD v4n3p4] wuD (v) snore [Breathe more noisily than {jev}.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] yaS cha'DIch (n) second officer [KGT p53] yaS wa'DIch (n) first officer [KGT p53] yatqap (n) a gray (sometimes white) bird that can travel particularly long distances without pausing [HolQeD v10n4p5] yem (v.i.) sin [KCD] yeq (v) cooperate [This was missing from Klingon-English listing in TKD, which listed instead jIj, while jIj is missing from the English-Klingon side of TKD] [TKD] yer (n) domain, holdings, territory [NEWS] yergho (n) wall of a city (from yer+gho) [NEWS] yIntagh (excl) epithet [TKD p178] yIQ (v) be wet [This was missing from the English-Klingon side of TKD] yor (n) top (exterior) [HolQeD v8n3p2] yo'SeH yaHnIv (n) Operations Command [Apparently this is a proper noun.] [HolQeD v8n4p11] yuQjIjDIvI' (n) United Federation of Planets [in the Klingon-English listing of TKD, this is yuQjIjQa'] [TKD] yuQjIjQa' (n) United Federation of Planets [in the English-Klingon listing of TKD, this is yuQjIjDIvI'] [TKD] yur (n) distant cousin, niece or nephew (second cousin, grand-nephew, etc.) [The singular form is never used in place of tey' or lor, but the plural may be used for a group including tey' and/or lor, so long as there is at least one more distance cousin, niece or nephew in the group.] [HolQeD v9n3p8] yuvtlhe' (n) lid, cover, cap [HolQeD v8n3p2] yu'egh (n) wave [This was omitted from the English-Klingon listing of TKD] 'ab (v.t.) have a length/height of (object is length) [HolQeD v6n2p9 S32}, MSN] 'aqroS (n) maximum / bottom surface of a table, ceiling [BoP Poster, HolQeD v8n3p2] 'aqtu' (proper n) Aktuh - proper name from Klingon opera [TKW p187] 'arlogh (ques) how many times? [NEWS] 'eDjen (n) an arrogant or haughty person [HolQeD, v12n3p9] 'eDSeHcha (n, plural) Take-Off/Landing Thrusters [BoP Poster] 'em (v) vomit [HolQeD, v12n4p8] 'entepray' (proper n) Enterprise (name of ship) [S15 HolQeD v4n3p5] 'er'In (n) end (of stick, rope, etc.), other end from {megh'an} [This can refer to either end of the rope, stick or whatever, but once you arbitrarily choose an end to call {'er'In}, the OTHER end is called {megh'an}. Before you make this initial reference, either end can be called either {'er'In} or {megh'an}.] [HolQeD v12n2p6] 'ev (n) northwestward, area to the northwest (320 degrees on terran 360 degree compass counted clockwise with 0 at north) [HolQeD v8n4p6] 'e'mam (n) aunt, father's sister [HolQeD v9n3p8] 'e'mamnal (n) aunt, father's brother's wife [HolQeD v9n3p8] 'e'nal (n) someone who married into the family [No specific family relationship is given.] [HolQeD v9n3p9] 'Iq (v) be too much, be too many [HolQeD v8n3p3] 'IqnaH (n) mucus [HolQeD, v12n4p8] 'IqnaH QaD (n) dry mucus, booger [charghwI' is interpreting this first definition (provided by Okrand) in creating the second one (created by charghwI') because he can't figure out any other meaning.] [HolQeD, v12n4p8] 'IrneH (n) uncle, mother's brother [HolQeD v9n3p8] 'IrneHnal (n) uncle, mother's sister's husband [HolQeD v9n3p8] 'Iw 'Ip ghomey (proper n) blood oath circles - the name of a well known sculpture by mIStaq [KCD] 'och (n) conduit [(add to previous defs) ] [BoP Poster] 'or (v) pilot, operate (an aircraft) [HolQeD v11n2p8] 'orghen (n) Organia [in TKD English-Klingon side, it lists 'orghenya'.] [TKD] 'orghen rojmab (n) Organian Peace Treaty [in TKD English-Klingon side, it lists 'orghenya' rojmab] [TKD] 'orghenya' (n) Organia [in TKD Klingon-English side, it lists 'orghen.] [TKD] 'orghenya' rojmab (n) Organian Peace Treaty [in TKD Klingon-English side, it lists 'orghen rojmab] [TKD] 'orghenya'ngan (n) Organian [in TKD Klingon-English side, it lists 'orghenngan] [TKD] 'orghengan (n) Organian [in TKD English-Klingon side, it lists 'orghenya'ngan] [TKD] 'orwI' (n) pilot, one who operates (an aircraft) [HolQeD v11n2p8] 'o'megh (n) end (of a song) [HolQeD v12n2p9] 'uD Haqtaj (n) laser scalpel [veS QonoS, listed in HolQeD, v1n3p9] 'uD'a' (n) laser [veS QonoS, listed in HolQeD, v1n3p9] 'ur (v) treason, commit treason [This is missing from the Klingon-English side of TKD.] [Addendum of TKD] 'urwI' (n) traitor [This is missing from the Klingon-English side of TKD] [Addendum of TKD] 'uSgheb (n) a noisy bird known to make a ruckus at dawn, likened to a rooster [much fiercer than a rooster] [HolQeD v10n4p5] Works Cited CK Okrand, Marc. (1992). Conversational Klingon (audio cassette). New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0-671-79739-5 HolQeD (1992 to present). The quarterly journal of the Klingon Language Institute. Assorted interviews with and articles by Marc Okrand. ISSN: 1061-2327 KCD Okrand, Marc. (1992). Star Trek: Klingon, CD-ROM. New York: Simon & Schuster Interactive. ISBN: 0-671-52873-4 PK Levine, Barry & Okrand, Marc. (1993). Power Klingon: Master the Language of Warriors (audio cassette). New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0-671-87975-8 qep'a' wejDIch (1996). The third annual conference of the Klingon Language Institute, July 17-21. Marc Okrand was in attendance for one day. TKD Okrand, Marc. (1985 & 1992). The Klingon Dictionary, 2nd ed. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0-671-74559-X TKW Okrand, Marc. (1996). Star Trek: The Klingon Way: A Warrior's Guide. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0-671-53755-5 veS QonoS (1990). Newsletter of Mortas-Te-Kaase, a defunct Klingon club. Some new words from Marc Okrand appeared, and a subset of these were later used in CK. The entire list was reprinted by permission of both Okrand and the club in HolQeD 1:3. Back to KLI Home Page